

Hugo, the scope, the context and the dot

Why is my variable not available here or there? 🙄

Moving from old regular template languages where the scope is rarely an issue, you may have a hard time wrapping your head around Go Template scoping constraints.

In this article we’ll try and understand the impact of the scope/context within our templates and partials and how to juggle with the dot 🤹.

Hugo .Scratch explained

Here because you need to overwrite a template variable? Rejoice, as of this day (or Hugo .48), you don’t need .Scratch for that. You need it for so much more though!

Hugo Page’s context is not only the most important source of information for your pages, it is the main data soure for all of your templates. More often than not, you will need to add a layer of custom variables to the built in set!

With Hugo’s .Scratch, any Page or Shortcode can be complemented with as many variables as needed on top of the default Page or Shortcode Variables.

Excited yet? Let’s dive in!